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Week beginning 15th August -Toddler 1 Insects Project & New Interest 'Planting and Gardening'.

This week our little learners in the Caterpillars room continued their learning journey exploring insects. To continue extending on children's interests we began the week engaging in similar experiences exploring bugs during their indoor and outdoor play.

Throughout the week we ventured into a new topic of learning as we saw the emergence of an interest in plants and gardening (17/8). During their outdoor play the children engaged in some gardening and exploring plants and mud in their vegepod.

Our little learners listened as they learnt about nature including animal birds and plants and how people make things. We used leaves in the colour paint and printed it out on the paper (18/8). Throughout the week we continued our creative expression using leaves on a natural cardboard that we stuck down using glue (19/8). The children were very excited sharing their enthusiasm as they shared with each other that they had made their own "green leaf with a green stem".

What the caterpillars have learnt this week:

. Through our environments and learning experiences our caterpillars are being given the opportunity to learn a growing appreciation of nature and to be more adventurous learning all about the various plants in our natural environment through a variety of creative arts and hands on experiences.

Next week (week beginning 22nd August) the Caterpillars will continue:

* Exploring their new plants and gardening interest.

Link to Early Years Learning Framework:

2.4 Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment

4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.

Links to National Quality Standards:

1.1.2 - Each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program.

3.1.1 - Outdoor and indoor spaces, buildings, fixtures and fittings are suitable for their purpose, including supporting the access of every child.

3.2.2 - Resources, materials and equipment allow for multiple uses, are sufficient in number, and enable every child to engage in play-based learning.



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