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Week beginning 15th August - Toddler 2 Weather Project

This week our little learners in the Caterpillars 2 room continued their learning journey exploring nature through their weather interest. To continue extending on children's interests beginning the week engaging in another weather themed sensory experience (15/8). Today we created a sensory bin activity with blue rice representing the blue sky and some pom poms representing the sun (yellow), clouds (white) and rain (blue). Through this experience children explored their senses using their hands to feel the different textures of pom poms and rice. To further their exploration caterpillars used tongs to pick up the different pom poms and place them in the colours based on the different weather patterns.

The caterpillars continued their creative journey on a sunny day making clouds and grass during another painting activity (16/8). This activity further assisted children to develop their knowledge about seasonal changes and provided children opportunities for further sensory exploration. Our little learners continued learning about the rainbow using 7 colours painted on bubble wrap stamping onto white paper (17/8).

The caterpillars learnt about the sun whilst also having discussions about the current weather we are seeing outdoors (18/8). The children continued their learning making their own suns using orange papers to create their own sun. To conclude another wonderful week of learning the caterpillars decided to make a bright sun and white fluffy clouds during their creative arts experiences (18/8).

What the caterpillars have learnt this week:

* Our Caterpillars continued developing their fine motor skills practising their grip skills using the tongs during their weather sensory bin exploration activity.

* Through our environments and learning experiences our caterpillars are being given the opportunity to learn scientific concepts and weather patterns.

* Exploring science and assisting children to make observations and learn about the climate.

* Exploring climate, weather patterns and seasons through various areas of learning e.g. creative arts experiences.

* Exploring their senses through activities promoting opportunities for sensory exploration.

Next week (week beginning 22nd August) the Caterpillars will continue:

* Beginning our new space interest

* Learning about the solar system, planets, galaxy and more.

Link to Early Years Learning Framework:

2.4 Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment

4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.

Links to National Quality Standards:

1.1.2 - Each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program.



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