This week our little learners in the Bumblebees Room have continued their learning journey about fruits and vegetables. To begin another wonderful week of learning the Bumblebees explored the vegetable 'pea' (1/8). Our little learners explored some frozen peas in warm water and were busy and active learners scooping, pouring, mixing and filling. The children were very inquisitive and used their imaginations as they created foods such as pea soup, pea pie and even some pea tea. Our little learners also explored their senses through this pea activity as they smelt, tasted and felt the peas throughout their experience.

Through the rest of the week they continued similar activities with a different vegetable. The children made corn casseroles (2/8) using frozen corn in a similar activity to further extend children's interests and sensory play opportunities. Through this experience children extended their interest by adding other natural materials for e.g. sand and leaves and sharing their excitement through non verbal cues as they mixed their corn with the additional ingredients.

Our little learners continued their exploration of fruits and vegetables exploring orange sensory rice with wooden fruits and vegetables (3/8). The children were actively engaged and using their emerging thinking skills matching the wooden fruits and vegetables to their other half.

To conclude a wonderful week of learning our Bumblebees ended their week engaging in another sensory and sustainability experience planting new plants and herbs in their garden (5/8). The children smelt the beautiful scent of their mint plant and were very excited that they found a witchetty grub in the garden.

What the Bumblebees learnt this week through their interest:
* Opportunities for Imaginative Play
* Opportunities to explore their senses through play
* Opportunities to develop their fine motor skills e.g. using small utensils during their experiences.
* Opportunities to improve our concentration skills and time spent at activities.
* Opportunities to develop social skills including learning to share with others so all children could have a turn to be actively engaged.
Next week (week beginning 8th August) the Bumblebees will continue:
* Using real fruits and vegetables during our learning experiences e.g. stamp painting with fruits and vegetables.
* Fruit and vegetable sensory exploration with shaving foam.
Links to Early Years learning Framework:
3.2 - Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
4.2 - Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
5.1 - Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
Links to National Quality Standards:
1.1.2 - Each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program.
2.1.3 - Healthy eating and physical activity are promoted and appropriate for each child.
3.2.2 - Resources, materials and equipment allow for multiple uses, are sufficient in number, and enable every child to engage in play-based learning.