This week our little learners in the Butterflies room continued their learning journey exploring nature through their physical health interest. To continue extending on children's interests we began the week exploring:
Physical Activity
To begin another wonderful week of learning our senior butterflies continued learning about physical activity. The senior butterflies engaged in an animal themed movement activity engaging in a short workout session mimicking different animals (8/8). Further our preschoolers continued their week learning self defence (9/8). The preschoolers learnt the meaning of self defence and then used their mat engaging in different positions as a beginner learning their solo positions before working in pairs.

We continued our journey engaging in different gymnastics activities (10/8) and then further exploring different yoga poses and movements (11/8). To end another wonderful week of learning we participated in 'twisted yoga' (12/8). The preschoolers practised balancing books on their heads and hands and performing different yoga movements including the tree and warrior pose.

Dental Health
Our junior butterflies began the week exploring their dental theme through a numbers and counting activity (8/8). Through this experience our little learners developed their number recognition skills and using the dice to see which number they would add onto their tooth. Our little learners continued engaging in creative arts experiences where they used craft materials making their own mouths and what it looks like (9/8). The preschoolers recalled their visit with the dentist the previous week and also about their own visits to the dentist.

The preschoolers further learnt about tooth cavities through a creative arts experience (10/8). Our little learners learnt how cavities form and all about visiting the dentist. Our little learners further explored our teeth through a sensory sand experience where they used sand and paint brushes practising brushing our teeth and making sure they were all clean (11/8). To end another wonderful week our preschoolers painted a germ free and healthy mouth during their outdoor play (12/8). We learnt about healthy foods and which ones are good for our teeth and also recapping the importance of brushing our teeth everyday.

What the Butterflies have learnt this week:
* Benefits of yoga including coordination, muscle strength, relaxation, mindfulness.
* Exploring different kinds of yoga such as 'twisted yoga'.
* Dental health and how to look after our teeth
*Number recognition through our learning experiences.
Next week (week beginning 15th August) the Butterflies will continue:
* Body movements activity
* Dental health including learning about cavities, names of teeth
Link to Early Years Learning Framework:
3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.
5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.
Links to National Quality Standards:
1.1.2 - Each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program.
2.1.3 - Healthy eating and physical activity are promoted and appropriate for each child.
3.2.2 - Resources, materials and equipment allow for multiple uses, are sufficient in number, and enable every child to engage in play-based learning.