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Week beginning 8th August - Toddler 1 Insects Project

This week our little learners in the Caterpillars room continued their learning journey exploring insects. To continue extending on children's interests we began the week engaging in a very exciting insect hunt in the sand pit (8/8).

Our little learners had an exciting time searching the sand pit for the scattered insects and using their tongs to pick up the insects when they were found. To further explore our fine motor skills the children continued to use their tongs during indoor experiences using the tongs to collect their insect figurines in their 'insects in a jar' (9/8).

Our little learners are also provided with opportunities to choose which insects they would like to use as part of their experiences e.g. children were shown different visuals of insects that they would like to draw and children chose their own insects (10/8).

Throughout the week we continued to venture into our garden space and explore bugs and insects. We used insect cards to use as a guide to see if children could find any of the same insects in their outdoor environment (11/8).

What the caterpillars have learnt this week: * Through discovery and exploration our little learners had the opportunity to develop their knowledge of insects and bugs. * Our Caterpillars continued developing their fine motor skills practising their grip skills using the tongs during their bug exploration activity. *Through providing children with the opportunity to explore bugs and insects they notice many STEM concepts which further encourages children to use their thinking skills for example, different insects and their features. *Through our environments and learning experiences our caterpillars are being given the opportunity to learn scientific concepts, a growing appreciation of nature and to be more adventurous learning all about the various insects and bugs in our natural environment through a variety of creative arts experiences. Next week (week beginning 15th August) the Caterpillars will continue:

* Continue learning about bugs and insects through various indoor and outdoor play experiences.

* Sensory Insect Experiences.

Link to Early Years Learning Framework: 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. 4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.

Links to National Quality Standards: 1.1.2 - Each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program. 3.1.1 - Outdoor and indoor spaces, buildings, fixtures and fittings are suitable for their purpose, including supporting the access of every child. 3.2.2 - Resources, materials and equipment allow for multiple uses, are sufficient in number, and enable every child to engage in play-based learning.



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